Emil Velikov

Open source developer, geeking across the stack

Former #mesa3d release manager, Linux, Mesa, Xorg, Wayland, libva ... contributor.


Casync is not dead, or how I learned to love desync
Emil Velikov

Image based OS updates are the future. One way to handle updates is via
content-addressable synchronisation software, like casync and desync.

This talk with give a presentation about the two - their overall design,
feature set and strengths and weaknesses. It will also demonstrate a real
world use-case of them.

Main Hall
A story of a bootloader^W^Wthree bootloaders
Emil Velikov

This talk will explore the ideas from Lennart's "Fitting Everything Together"
blog post, particularly the A/B partitioning scheme and its bootloader design,
comparing it with the approach used on the SteamDeck. Spoiler alert, we're not
using sd-boot.

We will focus on the requirements that drove us to the latter design, some
implementation details, and hurdles we needed to overcome to achieve that

Lastly, the idea of finding common ground will be entertained where audience
participation is greatly encouraged. What features would be acceptable by the
wider systemd community? Would those be enough for the SteamDeck to jump ship?

Main Hall
A/B partitioning - let's talk about the dirty RW files
Emil Velikov

A/B partitioning is great - you hermetically drop-in the whole new OS and boot
into it. Although, how can we manage and migrate the RW configuration and state
files that lie within? Can we do that reliably on both OS upgrades and

This talk will explore the design used on the SteamDeck, the issues
we've seen while drawing analogies, and future inspiration with "Fitting
Everything Together" by Lennart Poettering in mind.

Main Hall