Passive filesystem verification
09-29, 09:00–09:15 (UTC), Loft

A more generic approach to ensure you have what you'd expect to have

(and massage)
A side effect of the many new ways to package filesystems (here's looking at you, containers!), is that filesystems are being copied around without many of the features that traditional packaging provided (i.e. rpm -qV ...). Much progress has been made for reproducible digests of containers. In this talk Vincent Batts will review options for distributing filesystems with reproducibility, and verifying the at-rest outcomes.

Originally from South Korea, he settled in Berlin a few years ago. In the past he did mainly Linux system programming when working for a German IaaS provider. Recently he has been involved in open source projects such as systemd, fleet, rkt. He usually works in Go and C, and also likes to learn about fresh programming languages like Rust.

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