Luca Boccassi

Software engineer at Microsoft by day, open source developer involved in various projects by night (systemd maintainer, DPDK LTS maintainer, ZeroMQ project co-lead, Debian Developer).


System and Configuration Extensions for Image-based Linux Distros and Beyond
Kai Lüke, Maanya Goenka, Luca Boccassi

Using an image-based OS brings advantages and challenges. One challenge is the customization of a read-only image with additional host-level software and configuration, and how to manage this customization through the lifetime of a machine.

For deeper changes in /usr, users might build their own images instead of following the official image updates. For common scenarios, the vendor may choose to offer multiple image flavors. Simpler user customization can live outside of the read-only /usr, scattered as config files and binaries in /etc and /opt. Configuration management tools struggle with reliable (re)configuration because tracking filesystem state is hard.

The systemd project now supports a mechanism for extension images. There are two types; system extensions create an overlay for /usr or /opt and configuration extensions create an overlay for /etc. Through the overlay, users can thus change the read-only /usr without building custom OS images. Vendors can also offer their supported flavors as extensions instead of different OS images, even as composable stack where the user can choose optional parts. Users can manage their configuration by replacing the extension images atomically. Since the images bundle all files, this prevents old files lingering around or a system in a half-finished state. The read-only extension images help with setting up attestation and integrity enforcement for their contents. For distributions providing prebuilt initrds (e.g., the Fedora mkosi-initrd proposal), extensions allow initrd customization provided by the distribution or user.

The presentation will give an overview, share use cases and examples, and discuss future improvements for extension images.

Main Hall
Soft Reboot: atomically replace rootfs and reboot userspace without kernel restart
Luca Boccassi

systemd v254 introduced a new reboot type: soft-reboot. It shortcuts the reboot process by not restarting the kernel, and instead shutting down userspace, followed by re-exec'ing systemd from the new rootfs, starting everything up again. Not only this allows to save time by virtue of doing less work, but it also allow select resources (File Descriptor Store) and select services that do not use the rootfs (Portable Services) to survive the reboot and continue uninterrupted. This talk will explore the details of this new feature, how it works, why it's useful, what are the shortcomings and how to make full use of it.

Main Hall
PID FD-ize all the things!
Luca Boccassi

A quick overview of the work in progress to plumb PID FDs through Linux userspace, to achieve resilience and security improvements

Main Hall
Microsoft Azure Boost: Image-based Linux powering the Azure fleet. Wait, what? Really?! Yes!
Luca Boccassi

A quick journey through the Azure infrastructure, specifically looking at how image-based Linux is used for Azure Boost, what it enables, what interesting security and performance features were added and where to find them upstream.
