Yomi - an openSUSE installer based on SaltStack
2019-09-21 , Cage

We will present Yomi, a new proposal for installing Linux using SaltStack. This installer is designed to be used in heterogeneous clusters, where you need a bit of intelligence during the installation and be integrated as one more step in the provisioning process.

Yomi is a new kind of installer for the [open]SUSE family based on SaltStack and independent of AutoYaST.

The goal of this project is to make the installation of Linux (currently openSUSE) when:

  • You have a cluster of heterogeneous nodes (different profiles of memory, storage, CPU and network configurations)
  • The installation needs to be unattended
  • The installer needs to make decisions based on local profiles and external data
  • The installation process needs to be integrated, as one step more, into a more complicated provisioning workflow.

The dependencies of Yomi are minimal, as only Salt and a very few CLI tools are required, which make it ideal to be deployed a booted from PXE Boot.

Mostly a Python developer, working on SUSE Linux GmbH since 2012.