Fix, forget, or forge a new path?
2017-10-21, 14:15–14:55 (UTC), Event Loft

As Infrastructure operators we're exposed to a lot of plumbing and not a lot of porcelain. Worse, because our concerns are often esoteric (in the eyes of application developers) we have to fix our own pipes too. Often this leads to the "homeowners dilemma"... Making the call of when to patch things up, when to rip out the pipes, and when to abandon gas lamps for electricity.

We outline a number of aging pipes, proposed (and implemented) solutions, and ideas for dragging our systems into the future.

On the systems side AAA services haven't kept up with the pace of application development, our hardware is aging, and there are components of infrastructure that have fallen by the wayside. Modern switches still support (non-TLS) RADIUS and TACACS+, other networking gear still only supports SNMP v1, and then we've got logging...

In this talk we take stock of the landscape and discuss which pieces should be fixed, which desperately need to be abandoned, and which we have been thinking about all wrong.