kubernetes for toasters?
2017-10-22, 08:00–08:40 (UTC), Event Loft

Potential solutions to achieving containerization on constrained devices.

  1. Why?
  2. a content addressable elf linker (bolter)
  3. space efficient container imaging (korhal)
  4. oci compliant runtime (railcar)

potential solutions to achieving containerization on constrained devices.

A mindful polyglot, Vincent Batts has spent the last 15 years participating in the Linux and open source community. Presently involved on the Open Containers Initiative as a maintainer and on the technical board. Still a current member of Slackware Core Team and has been a maintainer on the Docker project as well as the Go programming language for Fedora and Red Hat. He is currently working on container architecture in Red Hat's Office of Technology.