systemd @ Facebook — a year later
2017-10-21, 11:45–12:25 (UTC), Event Loft

We'll be talking about what we learned throughout the past year running systemd in production at Facebook: new challenges that have come up, how the integration process went and the areas of improvement we discovered. We'll also discuss our efforts building a monitoring solution for system services based on systemd.

This talk is a followup to Deploying systemd at scale that was presented at systemd.conf 2016, and covers the aftermath of the migration of our fleet to CentOS 7. Now that systemd is available everywhere, we found more and more services that started adopting it for their deployment, leveraging its features and occasionally exposing interesting behaviors. At the same time, we've been able to hone our process for integrating and rolling out new versions of systemd on the fleet, and started building tooling to manage and monitor it at scale.