Integrating systemd soft-reboot into a distribution and surviving it
2024-09-26 , Main Hall

In this talk, I will discuss how Linux distributions can integrate and benefit from using systemd soft-reboot. Using openSUSE Tumbleweed as an example, I will show where and how it makes sense for traditional Linux distributions to use it and where the pitfalls are. With openSUSE MicroOS, we have a distribution with a read-only root file system that particularly benefits from a soft-reboot because a reboot is necessary after every update in order to change the root file system. However, this also requires special measures to ensure that it always functions smoothly.

Afterwards I will talk about the requirements and solutions for services to survive a soft reboot and what's necessary to make the whole thing supportable.

I am a Distinguished Engineer at SUSE and lead the Future Technology Team. Previously, I was the lead project manager for SLES for over a decade. I have a long history in open source projects.