initrd performance improvements
2024-09-26 , Main Hall

Every second spent on waiting for a system to boot is wasted time. In this talk I present the steps we took in Ubuntu to speed up the boot and the initrd generation time. The presented improvements are not specific to Ubuntu and can be ported to other implementations (like dracut) to benefit other distributions as well. The talk will present further speed improvements that can/will be implemented in the future. That includes rewriting parts in modern languages like Rust.

Computer freak from a young age. During univerity I discovered free and open source software and got hooked. I became involved in different upstream projects and into distribution packaging. Since 2010 I am a Debian Developer and Ubuntu core developer. After university I worked for a German company for eight years. During that time I contributed fixes and improvements to Debian packages that we used. Since 2022-04-01 I am working for Canonical in the Foundations team. Part of my work is maintaining Apport, initramfs-tools, and tzdata.