oo7-daemon + systemd per-user credentials
2024-09-25 , Main Hall

oo7-daemon (a temporary name based on the oo7 client library) project aims to provide a replacement for the gnome-keyring-daemon as the new D-Bus Secret Service provider in the GNOME desktop environment. In this talk I will go through the latest development plans and the progress made to integrate TPM backed credentials support to oo7-daemon using systemd per-user credentials as a backend.

Started my GNOME contributor journey as a Google Summer of Code intern in 2021. Currently, I'm one of the maintainers of the libsecret project, an active contributor to gnome-keyring, gcr projects and a member of the GNOME STF team (working on oo7-daemon). Also, I'm an Outreachy alumnus and I'm from Sri Lanka.