Fabian Kammel

Fabian Kammel is a Senior Security Consultant at ControlPlane, where he helps to make the (cloud-native) world a safer place. His goal is to bring hardware security and cloud-native security closer together, as well as, improving the developer experience in the security space. He previously spoke at KubeCon, SigstoreCon, was a guest on the Kubernetes Podcast, and regular host of the CNCF TAG Security.


Removing Cloud Providers From the Zero Trust Equation
Fabian Kammel

This presentation introduces a novel approach to enhance the trust in SPIFFE by leveraging confidential computing technologies, specifically Confidential Virtual Machines.
The presentation will provide an introduction to the realm of confidential computing, as well as an overview of SPIFFE/SPIRE. Armed with this knowledge we will demonstrate a practical example that integrates the AWS Instance Identity Document plugin with AMD SEV-SNP, showcasing the implementation challenges and solutions.
